Application Form Main Stream Application Form (SN / Vocational / LSU)

Please download the attached form (Click to download) . Print it and submit the form to the previous school where this needs to get filled, signed and stamped from previous school and return back to Dasman Administration department.

Click to download PDF form


Special Need / Vocational / LSU

Please complete entire school history :
Please answer the following questions:

Please enter below details :
DBS would like to get to know your child closely from all aspects, as we look at the student as a person with integral personality. To enable us to help in building his/her character based on the abilities and potentials that he/she has, please Provide us with the following:
Application’s Requirements :
The following must be attached with the Admission Application: ( Max. upload size 1mb, upload files in pdf and image format.)

Note : Please download the attached behaviour letter. Print it and submit the form to the previous school where this needs to get filled, signed and stamped from previous school and return back to Dasman Administration department.
If student is accepted, parent should provide the following :
Commitment and acknowledgment :

I, the undersigned (Father/Mother/Guardian) of: , undertake that:

  1. All the information stated in this application is correct and I shall be responsible for any mistake stated herein. I undertake, in case of changing my address or phone numbers, to contact the Registration office to update the new data of the student. It is my responsibility to give all the correct and updated information to the school registration office as soon as it is changed.
  2. I undertake submitting all the required documents to complete the registration process. Any delay of completing the mentioned earlier and specially submitting the medical file within two weeks from the date of registration will give the school the right to take appropriate actions regarding that matter.
  3. I undertake and guarantee to the school that my child who is registered in Pre-K is not wearing diapers. This matter is totally against the school's rules and the school has the full right to terminate the child's registration from the school if he / she attends with his / her diapers on and then the registration fees won't be refundable.
  4. The school specifies two month for the student who is coming from out side the country to go through the procedures of issuing a valid residency and updated Civil ID and submitting those documents once done to the registration office. Failing to do so, will give the school the right to cancel the registration of the student and consider his/her seat as vacant.
  5. I give my consent to include my child among other students in any picture that the school will take up internally/externally.
  6. In case of the student having any behavioral or academic issues during the school year, the administration of DBS shall not consider the re-enrolment of the student for the following school year.
  7. According to the law of education, the authority for educating the child falls on the person who has the custody for the children whether it was the father, the mother or the guardian. In the light of this matter the school has the full right to determine all procedures within the context.

To parents, :
Please complete and sign the form below for the benifit of your child

Criteria for Acceptance :
Acceptance at DBS is based upon the following criteria:
  1. Availability of places.
  2. The schools priorities for accepting new students:
    1. a - Siblings of current DB5 students and children of DBS alumni parents and staff members.
    2. b - Cffildren of new families.
  3. The applicants’ developmental level relative to the expectations of the school for a given grade:
    • Performance on the admissions examination (s).
    • Past academic performance.
    • Behavior/Attendance information and recommendations from former school(s).
    • Past DBS records if the student wishes to return to DB5 after being withdrawn.
    • The extent to which the applicants’ educational needs and learning style match the program that DBS is providing.
    • Other factors which may lead the evaluators to believe that the student will be successful or unsuccessful at Dasman Bilingual School.
Important Notes :
Having a sibling at DM or being a child of alumni parents does not guarantee enrollment Enrollment at DOS is strictly based on the result of admission assessment. Please note that although DB5 always contacts parents to inform them about the outcome of an admission assessment and the status of an applicants' pending application the school may keep some information / references confidential, and will not always be able to provide detailed reasons to parents regarding why their child/children was or was not accepted. The school reserves the right to deny admission to any student(s) if the DB5s Officers balm that it is in the best interest of the school or the student to do so. DB5 only admits students for whom it can provide an education. At OH, we can offer admission to students with mild cases of special needs, but NOT with behavior issues. The school maintains the right to refuse admission to students not meeting the academic requirement or show lack of willingness to abide by the code of conduct of the school
Acknowledgment :
I, hereby, declare that information provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if amplete and accurate information has not been provided, Dasman Bilingual School may withdraw its offer of admission. If it is later discovered that the information given is incomect, my child may be asked to leave the rvhooL I understand that acceptance into DB5 is subject to passing an entrance test/ interview and the schools decision is final. I understand that the demand for places at DBS remains high and admissions will be according to the aforementioned criteria for acceptance. I have read the criteria and I understand that DB5 may ask references from other schools and reserves the right to keep the informa-tion given by other school confidential. I am also aware that ass offers programs for all students including the mild cases of the special needs, but not for those with behavioral difficulties. If a place is offered, I agree to accept school rules and regulations, I assume personal responsibility for all school fees, regardless of third party payments, and agree to pay promptly.